Saturday, December 03, 2005

'Tis the Baby

As the cold winds blow down 6th Avenue, Baby stopped for a minute to think about the wonders of Christmas.

"If Jeebus were alive today, he'd surely wear a fashionable newsboy cap in this cold weather," he mused.

"I plan to celebrate the birth of Christ with a frosted cocktail and the latest CD from Italian boy band Divo. Decking Halls and highballs, that's my stylo, baby," he added.

As shoppers rush retail outlets for iPod nanos and $399 laptops, Baby welcomes any suggestions of gifts he should receive this Christmas. No ideas under $100, he requests, and no suggestions from The Gap or donations to humanitarian causes are required.


Anonymous said...

Nothing says Christmas like Italian boy bands and cocktails! Joseph, I like the way you think- though you should rethink the humanitarian gift idea...

Anonymous said...

Get a shiba dog for Christmas. It meets all the criteria.

Anonymous said...

I demand that Joseph be given the complete works of Oscar Wilde. Immediately.