To sweeten his morning in the office, Baby has taken to eating the apple cutie-pies that mothers often give to their children. Shaped like empanadas with a hard flakey shell and fruit filling, the pies inspired him to pen this ditty at work:
I eat little pies with my coffee
just the littlest pies with my coffee
flakey crust
glazzzed top
just the littlest pies with my coffee
I love pie! But i always pass on the coffee. I also think i need to hear the song to really appreciate it. next happy hour it's on! ;)
but what about meat pies?
here is my ode to meat pies-
oh little savory pie
why oh why
your meaty scent
doth my heart rent
hamburg or mutton
cute as a button
no one loves you as i do
Note: that last poem was found in the forgotten papers of J.Austen
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