"Jeebus came to earth to destroy the dinosaurs," advised Baby, pointing to a reconstructed tricerotops. "He saved us from our sins and the threat of human extinction at the hands of carnivorous beasts. Jeebus came to stand for mercy, forgiveness and upright vertebrae."
In honor of Jebus, Joseph, Dinosaurs, I went out, forthrightly, to attend Mass for Palm Sunday, and while I was there, I picked up a bunch of palms and fashioned them into a Palmosaurus named Paul.
Okay, so I didn't really get my palms by attending Mass. I ran in the back door, stole some palms, and went to get a sausage omlette. Paul the Palmosaurus shook his head in sorrow.
I went there on a school field trip once... we didn't learn about Jeebus though... I guess that's because it wasn't a Catholic school.
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