Saturday, November 15, 2008

Moonstruck Eggs

After a restful 12 hour sleep, Baby woke up at 2pm on Saturday to make his famous "Moonstruck Eggs" (popularized by the great Cher movie from 1987).

Shunning the pancakes that were already prepared and kept warm in Tupperware, Baby dove into his yokey delight with gusto.
After he ate, his dishes were miraculously cleared and cleaned for him, and he settled into the New York Times Real Estate section.

Baby gets wet in San Francisco

Baby enjoyed the mists of San Francisco at the Golden Gate Park. "My skin agrees with this climate," he said. "I look forward to seeing my youthful dew in my new home."
Baby also posed in the tea room of the Queen Anne Hotel, which is purported to be a haunted locale of the city. "I think a ghost is a very nice thing to have in your new home. As long as he doesn't re-arrange my carefully folded laundry, I'm pleased with the mystic arrangement."
Baby looks forward to the fashionable scrarves and sweaters he can sport in his new home, but regrets that the hills in the Buena Vista Heights will prove difficult for his Yves Saint Laurent "Johnny Boots."