Saturday, October 27, 2007

Jalapeno Baby

Baby took a gamble and painted his kitchen "jalapeno pepper" (Benjamin Moore) this weekend. His partner, Herman, was doubtful of the compatibility between the apartment's Louis XVI theme and the new Chipotle hues, but in the end the provincial Russu-Itiliano china positively popped against the rich, warm color. Baby stands triumphant with his color selection (above) and is now looking for taupes to finish his family room. Stay tuned for more expressions of his interior flair.


Sugarfiend said...

i love the green! In our old house we had dill pickle in the kitchen (also benjamin moore).

Green in the kitchen is soothing but fun.

I want to see more of the apartment!

Anonymous said...

You have Louis XVI theme? Post more pictures. Xoxo from Warsaw. MS&MS