Saturday, February 09, 2008

Baby waited for 50 minutes in the cold to meet Siouxsie Sioux. All he wanted was to get an autograph of his concert ticket and tell her that his wedding song would be her majestic "Heavean and Alchemy." - which she did not play.

Siouxsie snubbed Baby and the other 6 fans waiting with CD covers to sign. It was all a very innocent scene, but Sioux decided to leave another door and not say good bye to the tiny, likeable crowd that only wished her well. Instead she ducked into a black minivan, like a terrorist. It was not a scene be-fitting a lady and it showed a remarkable lack of graciousness or class. Baby is now down on Siouxsie.


Anonymous said...

maybe she didn't want to give autographs, man.
nothing wrong with that. what, it's not enough that she's amazing?

Unknown said...

Get over yourself baby. Siouxsie doesn't owe you a damn thing. The title of this post is very misleading. Her performance in NYC was spectacular and left fans in awe...

Anonymous said...


Joey said...

Baby politely replies: Siouxsie does owe her remaining fans something. We made her the wonderful diva that she is. Her performance was spectacular. So was my disappointment when I realized that she didn't have the decency to meet the few fans that bothered to wait in the cold.